Strange Anxiety Signs and Symptoms from A-Z

General disclaimer: All content on this site is meant for inspirational and entertainment purposes only and I am not responsible for any loss or damage related to use of any content on this site. You can read my full disclaimer here.


Brain zaps





Globus sensation

Heart palpitations

Irritable bowel syndrome

Jaw tension

Anxiety from A-Z

Knots in the stomach

Loss of appetite

Muscle weakness


Obsessive-compulsive thoughts and behaviors

Panic attacks

Becoming quieter

Restless legs

Sleep anxiety

Tingling sensations


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Quest for Calmness - Portrait

I’m Mette and I’m so glad you’re here!

In my daily life, I work as a therapist in private practice. Here, I mostly treat clients experiencing anxiety, insomnia, and depression.

This blog is inspired by both my clients’ and my own quest for a more peaceful existence.

It’s my experience that the mind-body connection is often overlooked when it comes to treating both mental health and physical conditions. This is a topic that I’m deeply passionate and curious about, and it’s the foundation of the content I’m posting on this blog.

I’ll be writing about topics such as stress and anxiety management, finding peace and balance, as well as sharing bits and pieces from my own journey to becoming more calm.

Through this blog, I hope to inspire more people to take charge of their mental health and well-being.

If you’d like to get in touch, you can always email me at: