I Tried to Lower Anxiety through Diet – Here’s What Happened
As I mentioned in my previous blog post on the science behind lowering anxiety through diet, I recently experimented with this myself. I have a…
Can You Lower Anxiety Through Diet? – The Science Behind Anxiety and Diet
You’ve probably heard that a balanced diet is important for our overall health and well-being. But have you ever considered if it’s possible to lower…
Posted On Mind-Body Connection
The Best Beginner-Friendly Exercises in Mindfulness
In this post, I’ll be guiding you through eight exercises in mindfulness. These will help you reconnect with that sense of peace that naturally lives…
Posted On Mind-Body Connection
How Can I Relax My Body? -10 Effective Techniques to Let Go of Tension
“How can I relax my body?” If you’ve ever felt super stressed, anxious, or burned out, you’ve probably obsessed about this question multiple times. I…

Welcome to Quest for Calmness
I’m Mette and I’m so glad you’re here!
In my daily life, I work as a therapist in private practice. Here, I mostly treat clients experiencing anxiety, insomnia, and depression.
This blog is inspired by both my clients’ and my own quest for a more peaceful existence.
It’s my experience that the mind-body connection is often overlooked when it comes to treating both mental health and physical conditions. This is a topic that I’m deeply passionate and curious about, and it’s the foundation of the content I’m posting on this blog.
I’ll be writing about topics such as stress and anxiety management, finding peace and balance, as well as sharing bits and pieces from my own journey to becoming more calm.
Through this blog, I hope to inspire more people to take charge of their mental health and well-being.
If you’d like to get in touch, you can always email me at: questforcalmnessblog@gmail.com
or connect with me on Facebook and Pinerest!